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March 31 2011 By virtueonline Faithful and just to forgive

The first question is, "faithful" to what or to whom?" The answer might truly astonish us, if we have never considered before the full implications of words by Saint Paul, "For there is one God, and one mediator between God and men, the man Christ Jesus."1 God is faithful to God, God is faithful to Man, and God is faithful to His own promise.

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March 28 2011 By virtueonline EARTHQUAKES AND SALVATION

When fault lines rupture, the stress is dislocated and spreads out to other faults, which pose varying risks of also splitting and producing more earthquakes. The shallower the hypocenter - the location beneath the earth - the greater the impact. In Christchurch there was a 17km-long rupture along the fault plane on a very steep angle, beginning at a depth of 3km and ending 12 km underground. There were buried and unrecognized faults in Canterbury.

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March 16 2011 By virtueonline CAIN AND ABEL

The trouble begins with Cain's relationship with the Lord. Cain brings some of the fruits of the soil as an offering to the Lord, while Abel brings the best of the firstborn of his flock. The Lord accepts Abel's offering but not Cain's. Why? Because, "by faith Abel offered God a better sacrifice than Cain. By faith he was commended as a righteous man, when God spoke well of his offerings." (Hebrews 11:4) That means that Cain's offering was inferior, it was token, it was unworthy.

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March 16 2011 By virtueonline True repentance - gracious pain

The ten spies who spread the bad report about the land were struck down by a plague - only Joshua and Caleb were spared because of their faithfulness and witness. When the people heard this they appeared to repent. They mourned bitterly. They felt remorse for their actions and attitudes. They even confessed their sin.

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March 10 2011 By virtueonline THE HUMAN PREDICAMENT

God has a plan and purpose for our lives. Yet, when we look at the world in which we live, and the seeming randomness, mess and suffering of life, we wonder how this can be. The story of Adam and Eve in Genesis 3 tells us why this is so. It tells us what happened on the way to the fulfillment of God's plan and purpose. We, humans, when given the freedom to choose to fulfill the purpose of our creation, decided to go another way.

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March 03 2011 By virtueonline ENCOURAGEMENT IN SUFFERING

He proposed the establishment of the national mint and decimal coinage, an idea that was unique at the time. He gave up his home in Philadelphia to be the Executive Mansion for George Washington and John Adams 1790-1800.

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February 24 2011 By virtueonline PANDORA'S BOX

The physical becomes a sin when it controls us. All addictions are physical temptations. Drug, alcohol, sexual, and food addictions are a constant source of human self-destruction. Financial greed, the unbridled love of money, is the root of all evil. Physical, sexual and emotional abuse is the weapon of bullies.

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February 17 2011 By virtueonline DECEPTION AND ILLUSION - Genesis 3:1-5

St. Paul warns us that "Satan himself masquerades as an angel of light." (2 Corinthians 11:14) Eve admits that "The serpent deceived me." Jesus calls him the "father of lies." (John 8:44) He always operates in disguise. Modern portrayals of evil in monstrous and diabolical forms are far removed from reality. The Tempter "hides behind a mask of harmless, indeed, pious benevolence. All temptations in life begin in sugared form. He presents himself as a representative of the good.

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February 09 2011 By virtueonline SPIRITUAL MATURITY

There is the tendency in church life to let people eat what they want, or not at all, and not get concerned about it. But what if their diet reflects poor choices that result in an unhealthy relationship with Christ? What responsibility does the pastor and teacher have to warn them of the consequences? You can't force people to take the nourishment they need in order to grow into spiritual maturity. You can't control what they do. No do I want to.

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January 30 2011 By virtueonline THE SEARCH FOR COMPLETENESS

We can surround ourselves with every good thing, every beautiful object, but we are never satisfied with things if we lack the warmth of another's love. We long for something more, we are dissatisfied with what we have, if we find ourselves alone.

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