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September 29 2011 By virtueonline FRIENDSHIP AND PRAYER

They keep confidences. They care for us and we for them. We love them and they us.

God has made us in his image to relate at deep levels to others. Jesus wants us to be his friend and has revealed that same longing from God. God loves us and wants us to love him. God cares for us and we for him. We bring to God our failures, our mistakes, our sins, our shortcomings, as well as our joys and thanksgivings. We bring to God our worries and concerns.

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September 24 2011 By virtueonline Practicing Forgiveness - K. Brewster Hastings

The solemn faces stared back at me, not quite daring to believe. There were never questions after a talk in Germany in 1947. People stood up in silence, in silence collected their wraps, in silence left the room.

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September 11 2011 By virtueonline Holiness of Life

In preaching on this way of life Andrewes was encouraging not only the people of his time but also us in the twenty-first century to understand that as the created, they and we are created in the likeness of the creator. Furthermore in Baptism, Christians have received the Holy Spirit in order to pursue that life of holiness as opposed to a life of sin. To encourage us even more we have God's Son as the exemplar of holiness.

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August 03 2011 By virtueonline Putting On Christ / Putting Off Sin

The apostle Paul seems to pick up this metaphorical use, and he runs with it in a variety of ways.

Those in Christ have already put on Christ.

"For as many of you as were baptized into Christ have put on Christ" (Gal. 3:27).

Those in Christ are commanded to put on Christ.

"But put on the Lord Jesus Christ, and make no provision for the flesh, to gratify its desires" (Rom. 13:14).

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July 27 2011 By virtueonline RENOURISHMENT

This is the third renourishment project for the south end of Amelia Island. The Second Law of Thermodynamics states that if a system is left alone, its entropy tends to increase, or in laymen's terms, the system tends to slow down or change its form, or deteriorate. Unless systems are maintained they will break down. Beaches will change, according to the influence of tides, currents, and storms, unless they are renourished. The same dynamic applies to our earthly lives.

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July 20 2011 By virtueonline THE PRIESTHOOD OF ALL BELIEVERS

God claimed the entire tribe of Levi for full-time service as priests of Israel. Within the tribe of Levi, Aaron, the brother of Moses, and his sons were given special status as high priests. The high priestly family had the highest responsibility and privilege to serve in the holy place and most holy place of the tabernacle and the temple.

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June 22 2011 By virtueonline LORD, TEACH US TO PRAY

Despite the revolution in the social media, conversation with friends or family is not everyone's gift. If you go into a restaurant you will find the younger customers looking down at their cell phones or other devices, surfing the web, checking email or text messages, rather than engaging in conversation with their families or friends. Couples stare into space or look at the television screen with nothing to say to one another. It is true that some people are more verbal than others.

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"The point of what we are saying is this: We do have such a high priest, who sat down at the right hand of the throne of the Majesty in heaven." (Hebrews 8:1, NIV) "So, friends, we can now - without hesitation - walk right up to God, into 'the Holy Place.' Jesus has cleared the way by the blood of his sacrifice, acting as our priest before God." (Hebrews 10:19-21, The Message) "Our risen and ascended Lord is the high priest over the house of God, the minister of the sanctuary, who leads us i

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June 10 2011 By virtueonline Overcoming Spiritual Blindness

I am a lot like my dog. If I am honest, as I age I am less aware of the moment I inhabit.

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Dr. Purves believes that the ascension is often forgotten. This is how he describes its significance. The ascension is "the upward movement of Jesus by which the now alive human Lord returns to eternity to continue his ministry...The ministry of Jesus does not end with his resurrection. In his ascension he does not abandon his humanity. He is not the ascended Lord apart from everything that has happened between his incarnation and resurrection.

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Trinity School for Ministry
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