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As Eye See It
July 26 2005 By virtueonline To Set Our Hope on Christ: ECUSA's Hermeneutical Shift - by George N. Gray, Jr.,

The traditional interpretation of the hermeneutical principle of truth, meaning the ultimate reality or conformity to fact, has been under assault for much of the twentieth century. Western culture has increasingly conformed the traditional principle of truth to the principle of relativism. ECUSA began such a cultural transition in earnest during the turbulent 1960's. It is essential for all readers to understand that ECUSA' s To Set Our Hope on Christ fully adopts this new cultural reality.

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July 23 2005 By virtueonline CONNECTICUT: To Bishop Smith: 'You sir are a hypocrite'

Hypocrisy: Entitling your Bishop's Column from the April-May edition of Good News: "Life! . . . Together" and then proceeding to tear St. John's apart;

Hypocrisy: stating that marriage is between one man and one woman and then advocating the blessing of same-sex unions and installing as "priest-in-charge" a woman who openly advocates same-sex unions.

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July 22 2005 By virtueonline FLIPPING THE ANGLICAN BIRD - by Christopher S. Johnson

Bishop Smith Bishop inhibited the Rev Mark Hansen, rector of St John's, Bristol, Connecticut, for failing to abide by the diocese's sabbatical guidelines -- and by doing so, the diocese claims, pastorally neglecting his congregation.

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July 21 2005 By virtueonline PLANO RECTOR TO BISHOP SMITH: "Surely there is another way..."

This is the way people should behave ... especially if they are leaders in the church! Paul says in Galatians 6:10 "Therefore, as we have the opportunity, let us do good to all people, especially to those who belong to the family of believers."

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July 21 2005 By virtueonline What holds the Anglican Communion together? - by Bishop Jack Iker

2. The Lambeth Conference - This is the gathering of all Anglican Bishops that takes place once every 10 years, convened by the Archbishop of Canterbury. He decides who is to be invited. Usually, it has been all diocesan bishops in good standing in the Communion who are asked to attend, but in 1998 the invitation also went to all suffragan and assisting bishops. No decision has been made for the 2008 Conference.

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July 21 2005 By virtueonline The First Sunday of the Thieves - by Anonymous

Friends of the bishop came - they know the game - bump up the numbers - people like the former dean of the cathedral. The media didn't look at all the suits milling around.

Right off, anyone from St. John's would know, 'cause our family doesn't generally wear suits, we're more casual than that. They never asked the questions. If they had they would have known.

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July 21 2005 By virtueonline BRAZIL: The Crucifixion of Recife - by Peter Moore

More than that Cavalcanti has been clear in his open criticism of his Primate's attempt to depose him - breaking that Anglican gentleman's agreement that high-placed prelates must be credited with being innocent before shown to be guilty.

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July 20 2005 By virtueonline Consistency in defense of the Faith and in opposing Heresies

Since 1979 the Episcopal Church has called what is by its nature and content "A Book of Varied Services" by the sacred name of "The Book of Common Prayer" and it has regrettably confined its own historic and true Book of Common Prayer in the edition of 1928 to its archives. Often the Society has suggested that the 1979 Prayer Book become what prayer books like it are in other provinces of the Anglican Communion of Church, "A Book of Alternative Services."

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July 20 2005 By virtueonline "Ain't never seen a truck wreck like this before" - Rev. Clay Knapp

That's the way we at St. John's feel about the happenings of this week-we "ain't never seen a wreck like this before." Shock is the only word that keeps coming to mind. I am still in shock.

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July 18 2005 By virtueonline "A Real Human Tragedy is happening in Connecticut" - Robert S. Munday

If we pass some of the proposed revisions to Title IV of the Canons, it may make it easier for a bishop to do what some have already done in removing the lay leadership of a parish. But who are we kidding? Do we really think people are going to stay around for this--and pay for it?

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