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As Eye See It
August 02 2005 By virtueonline MISSISSIPPI: Despite controversy, Episcopal Church maintains unity

How can such serious disagreement be reconciled within a single denomination?

Since we were birthed out of the Church of England, a brief look at our English history provides an important insight into our present situation and personality.

In the 16th century, the Protestant Reformation exacted a bloody toll in England. A succession of monarchs beginning with Henry VIII produced an ecclesiastical pendulum swing from Protestantism to Catholicism to Protestantism.

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August 01 2005 By virtueonline THE MYTH OF MODERATE ISLAM - by Patrick Sookhdeo

Since 7/7 many have made statements to attempt to explain what seems to them a contradiction in terms. Since the violence cannot be denied, their only course is to argue that the connection with Islam is invalid. Deputy Assistant Commissioner of the Metropolitan Police Brian Paddick said that "Islam and terrorists are two words that do not go together." His boss the Commissioner, Sir Ian Blair, asserted that there is nothing wrong with being a fundamentalist Muslim.

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August 01 2005 By virtueonline An Episcopal Visitation: Part 1 (Therapy) - by William Witt

When the Sr. Warden arrives-the person who has legal responsibility for the building, including the safety of those inside–he firmly demands that the invaders leave. The bishop falsely tells the warden that he "has no choice"–that he, the bishop, has deposed the parish's priest and appointed a priest-in-charge, that she now has authority over the building, and she has given the bishop and his entourage permission to enter. Cute, but canonically and legally nonsense.

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August 01 2005 By virtueonline I Guess It All Depends on What "Celibacy" Means?

The statement released yesterday includes this passage: The House of Bishops does not regard entering into a civil partnership as intrinsically incompatible with holy orders, provided the person concerned is willing to give assurances to his or her bishop that the relationship is consistent with the standards for the clergy.

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July 29 2005 By virtueonline ENGLAND: Bishops vote for 'gay marriage'

Attempts were led by Baroness O'Cathain to extend the provision of the Bill to include siblings living together and carers, who she said also suffered from the injustice that the Bill sought to put right. But her amendments failed.

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July 29 2005 By virtueonline Danforth's faulty judgment - by Carol Williams

We do expect them, however, to protect our country from policies that will be harmful to future generations. When the people of our great country elect Christian men and women to public office, we who are also Christians expect them to pray, seek God's wisdom and legislate with the wisdom that they receive from Him, not to make decisions based on popular opinion.

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July 29 2005 By virtueonline The Coming Church War in Ecclesiastical Courts - by Brad Drell

Chess pieces are being moved on the periphery of the board, and we had better be watching. Be sure to let conservative deputations to general convention and bishops know what is going on.

I had a few choice things to say about it on the HOBD listserv:

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July 27 2005 By virtueonline A Burglary at an Episcopal Church in Connecticut? - By Raymond Dague

I do not know what the legal situation is with St. John's Church, but most Episcopal Churches in New York are religious corporations which are independent of the diocese. They may be a member of the diocese, but as religious corporations they have independent legal existence. If a bishop here did what Bishop Smith did in Connecticut - seize a parish without any civil court proceedings - he would face something more serious than violating his own church canons in wrongly deposing a priest.

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July 27 2005 By virtueonline Bishops in the mire - by Ruth Gledhill

* Its pronouncement on "gay marriage", in response to the 2004 Civil Partnerships Act which comes into force in December, states that clergy can register their partnerships as long as they pledge chastity.

The Lesbian and Gay Christian Movement - which reckons that more than 750 partnerships could involve one or more gay clergymen or women - has condemned the bishops' statement as consistent with the Church's "double dealing, duplicity and disregard for decency".

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July 26 2005 By virtueonline Master of the House, Keeper of the Zoo - by Michael Carreker

The inhibition of Fr. Hansen means that he is suspended from acting as a priest for six months unless the reasons for the inhibition can be cleared up before then. If at the end of six months, the bishop concludes that the inhibition was justified, he proceeds with formal deposition and removes the priest from the ministry.

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