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As Eye See It
March 16 2007 By virtueonline 'Disestablish Church' says Carey - Ruth Gledhill

Predictably enough, the serving bishops in the Church of England, led by Archbishop John Sentamu of York, are resisting moves to remove them from the House of Lords. In the main, their motives are selfless. They believe they have intervened effectively in the political process for decades, centuries indeed, representing other faiths, educators and our country's soldiers abroad, to mention just a few of the causes dear to their episcopal hearts.

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March 16 2007 By virtueonline What Katie did next - by Geoffrey Kirk

Episcopalian Revisionism is rooted in the Enlightenment. The Declaration of Independence, with its ringing phrases ('We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness') was, after all, penned by and largely signed by Episcopalians (thirty-one out of thirty-nine).

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March 13 2007 By virtueonline Picky Eaters - by Michael Heidt

This meaty dish has proved unpalatable to the weaker stomachs of the North American liberals and their allies. All they want is a "local option," the permission to go about things their way, conducting SSBs where and when they like, whilst other Anglicans go about their business according to context. It seems reasonable, after all, what's good for San Francisco, Greenwich Village and downtown Toronto might very well be wrong for Lagos, St. Stephen's, Lewisham, or St. John's, Calgary.

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March 12 2007 By virtueonline CALGARY: Sex issue threatens to split Anglicans - Ted Byfield

Only two weeks earlier, the primates of the Anglican world served notice on the bishops of the American church that they must disavow same-sex marriage or be expelled from the communion.

The Canadian Anglican church is to decide the issue in June.

If the church rejects gay marriage, Ingham will no doubt be expected to recant or resign.

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March 09 2007 By virtueonline We stand with the Primates - by Jack Iker

2. The 2004 Windsor Report called upon the Episcopal Church to adopt moratoria on the blessing of same-sex unions and the consecration of any bishop living in a same-sex relationship. Our Convention affirmed these recommendations in November of that year. Now, because the 2006 General Convention failed to do so, the Communique asks the House of Bishops to adopt these moratoria in clear, unequivocal language by Sept. 30, 2007.

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March 07 2007 By virtueonline The end of the Anglican Communion - by George Weigel

No Catholic serious about the Catholic commitment to the unity of Christ's Church can take any satisfaction from today's Anglican meltdown. It now looks as if John Henry Newman was right when he concluded that Anglicanism was not a "third branch" on the tree of historic Christian orthodoxy, of which the other branches were Catholicism and the Orthodox churches of the Christian east; rather, Newman decided, Anglicanism was Protestantism in English guise.

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March 07 2007 By virtueonline RETURN TO LAMBETH RESOLUTION 1.10? An Up-or-Down Choice for The Episcopal Church

True, they name The Windsor Report first and Lambeth 1.10 second. Someone may say: "I can agree with TWR without agreeing to Lambeth 1.10." Well, you may say so, but this is not what the Primates are saying. The Recommendation intentionally couples TWR as the practical outworking of the Lambeth Resolution. Lest there be any doubt about how they read TWR, they include this statement.

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March 06 2007 By virtueonline The way we live now - by Geoffrey Kirk

Not only does the doctrine of Provincial Autonomy make divergence in ethos and doctrine virtually inevitable, but the resulting weakness of common structures (the so-called Instruments of Unity) makes disciplining errant provinces severely difficult. And when that province is TEC, the predominant source of funding for the Communion's central secretariat, it is impossible.

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March 06 2007 By virtueonline No Apologies: The Global South and Anglicanism

The latest attempt by the Archbishop of Canterbury, Dr. Rowan Williams, at "muddling through" in order to save the Worldwide Anglican Communion from certain doom (a doom precipitated by the liberal wing's pro-homosexual agenda) appears to be another artful attempt by an Englishman to navigate the religious quagmire in order to find a compromise that will satisfy everyone - and save the Communion.

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March 05 2007 By virtueonline Episcopalians face ultimatum in Anglican civil war

Conservative Anglicans were further outraged when the American church took steps to authorize the blessing of same-sex unions, a move that admittedly contradicted traditional Christian sexual morality.

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