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As Eye See It
October 18 2023 By dvirtue The reality of LLF for the average vicar

Consider for a moment the position of your average orthodox clergy who believes that the Bible teaches marriage can only be between a man and a woman, sex is something which should take place only within heterosexual marriage; that biological gender is fixed and immutable, and that we do not have the authority or power to bless something which God teachers directly against in scripture. In our present culture, these views are perceived as old-fashioned.

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October 17 2023 By dvirtue Ninety-five Theses to the Episcopal Church

1. Christian bishops, priests, deacons, and other ministers must not be permitted to deny that Jesus is truly God and truly man.
2. Christian ministers must not be permitted to deny that Jesus physically and bodily rose from the dead.
3. Christian ministers must not be permitted to deny that Jesus was born of the Blessed Virgin Mary.
4. Christian ministers must not be permitted to deny the Second Coming of Christ.

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October 17 2023 By dvirtue Christians Have a Duty to Hate the Evil of Hamas

At this writing, Hamas has killed more than 1,400 Israelis, injured 3,000, and is holding around 200 hostage. This attack has been called Israel's 9/11. It could equally be called its Dunkirk, the beginning of a war for survival whose outcome is uncertain.

For Christians watching these horrors from afar, it is imperative to condemn the evil perpetrated by Hamas--and to recognize that it must be resisted.

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October 14 2023 By dvirtue NOT FIT FOR OFFICE

Together the House of Bishops have embraced heresy by departing from the clear teaching of Scripture on matters of sexual conduct. As a result, they have betrayed their office. At their consecration service, each bishop was instructed to "be to the flock of Christ a shepherd, not a wolf; feed them, devour them not." However, by introducing, and not banishing "erroneous and strange doctrine", they have become wolves. Together they have demonstrated they are not fit for office.

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October 14 2023 By dvirtue WHEN WILL THE ACNA OVERTAKE TEC?

TEC Average Sunday Attendance

2000 857,000
2010 658,000
2019 518,000
2022 349,000

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October 04 2023 By dvirtue A Threatening Red Sky -- Signs of the Creeping Advance of a Totalitarian Impulse. (Part 1)

Several highly respected intellectuals, social commentators and historians have pointed to concerning signs of a growing movement among the global elite of western governments to restrict personal freedoms and facilitate more and more forms of control over their citizens. But how can this be compared to totalitarianism -- in most people's eyes, a vicious, cruel, and repressive system?

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September 27 2023 By dvirtue When your head is in the Tiger's Mouth. A heartfelt plea to Orthodox Anglicans in the CofE

All students of history will know that ultimately Churchill's view prevailed and that in the end the Nazi's were defeated, but, it could have ended differently and if it had the consequences of that don't bear thinking about.

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September 26 2023 By dvirtue PETS ARE US

I have searched scripture in vain for any suggestion that the lower animals were to be accorded any status, either in the Kingdom on earth or the Kingdom of Heaven. In Genesis, God clearly gives Adam dominion over all the animals: beasts of the earth, birds of the air, fish of the sea, and those that creep. Adam names them and when he was done, God gave Adam a "help meet" formed from his rib, not some evolved anthropoid.

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September 13 2023 By dvirtue BEAUTIFUL ANGLICAN MISTS

Anglicanism is vibrant in Africa, where most of Anglicanism's 70-80 million adherents now live, especially in Nigeria. But everywhere in the white majority Anglosphere, Anglicanism is in steep decline, from North America and Britain to Australia and New Zealand. This decline, absent direct divine intervention, is likely irreversible in majority European societies.

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September 10 2023 By dvirtue "WE DO NOT HAVE FREE WILL" -- Chuck Collins

The Bible teaches human helplessness in sin, and the glory and sovereignty of God in grace. Biblical Christianity leads us to have complete and utter confidence in God for salvation from beginning to end, and a wide-eyed skepticism about self-justification and moralistic Christianity. Men and women, apart from grace, are capable of doing nothing but to continue in sin, either by doing wrong things or doing right things for the wrong reasons.

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