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(Email from a Father to a Son)

Hi ______,

Well, it seems as though you have struggled through this week. I guess you can look back and see a few successes and victories that you feared might not happen. In other words some things worked out. Others are still out there waiting your attention and time.

Here's one thing I have learned. When we are concerned about something and pray about it and then something good happens that God does, here's what is important. It is very important to tell him "Thank you". If we do we acknowledge it, give him the praise, we then start a pattern of remembering his past blessings.

If we don't then there is a danger we just forget that God did something good and start taking it for granted. Of course, God may continue to help "fix" things, but if we never make a conscious effort to thank him for each thing, we start to "expect" some sort of (God?) escape and start becoming fearful lest our good "fortune" should cease. If and when things then falter, instead of praying to God and trusting in his goodness, we can even start "blaming" God for not being there suddenly, even though we were the one guilty of taking him for granted.

That is one thing I have learned about the importance of thanking God. I say this, because I have by nature a tendency to be negative, so it is very easy for me to fall into "negative expectations" - which of course is the very opposite of faith and trust.



---The Rev Dr. Peter J.A. Cook, M.A., is Rector of St. Michael & All Angels Episcopal Church, in Lake Charles, in the Diocese of Western Louisiana.

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