The Rt. Rev. Dr. Maternus Kapinga
It becomes necessary at times to affirm our stance, because while we seriously go about doing the work of God in His Church as His Spirit guides us there are people who do not leave us alone, but keep spreading false information to discredit our Mission and to confuse our friends and supporters. However, as the Swahili adage goes, " Kweli ikidhihiri, uwongo hujitenga," namely, "as the truth dawns falsity dissipates."
The Episcopal Orthodox Mission in Italy ( EOMI ) is a canonical Foundation of the Diocese of Ruvuma in the Anglican Church of Tanzania, within the Anglican Communion. The EOMI is an "organized mission" under the direct authority and jurisdiction of the Rt. Rev. Dr. Maternus Kapinga to proclaim the Gospel and administer Sacraments, to Italian ( or African ) Anglicans who are members "in good standing" of the Diocese of Ruvuma. The EOMI has evolved as a ministry for the pastoral care of its members who live in Italy. The Mission developed against the background of the catastrophic spiritual scenario, which resulted from the revisionist agenda pursued in some constituencies of the Anglican Communion which chose to depart from orthodox Biblical Christianity, and so tearing the fabric of the Communion at its deepest level.
We are Anglicans. The Episcopal Orthodox Mission in Italy is a Canonical Foundation of the Diocese of Ruvuma. The Diocese of Ruvuma is one of the nineteen Dioceses of the Anglican Church of Tanzania, which is a Province in the Anglican Churches of Africa. The Bishop of Ruvuma was one of the founding Fathers of the All Africa Anglican Bishops' Conference ( Lagos 2004 ) which is now one of the instruments of unity of the Anglican Church of Africa. Furthermore, the Anglican Church of Tanzania is one of the Churches of Anglican Churches of the Global South where beyond dispute, now subsists the Orthodox Biblical Christianity of the Church; One, Holy, Catholic and Apostolic.
Contrary to what rumour mongering has it, the Bishops of the Anglican Church of Tanzania support the Bishop of Ruvuma's initiative with EOMI. In fact, he is not the only Tanzanian Bishop supporting orthodox Anglicans abroad. Again, contrary to the mendacity being spread about, the Archbishop of Tanzania has told the Bishop of Ruvuma that never was "discipline" against him ever contemplated for his ministry at the service of Anglicans abroad.
We are Orthodox Anglicans. We uphold the orthodox Biblical Christianity of the One, Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Church, namely the evangelical faith once delivered to the Saints and the Catholic sacramental order upheld always, everywhere and by all.
Unlike those who have departed from Orthodox Biblical Christianity, we say "NO," to the blessing of the same sex unions and to the ordination of the homosexual persons to the Holy Order of the Church.
Unlike those who have departed from the Catholic fold of the Church, we say "NO," to the ordination of women to the Holy Order of the Church.
We declare that for us "Communio in Sacris" is only possible with those who adhere to the Orthodox Biblical Christianity of the Church, defending, upholding and keeping the Faith of the Church once delivered to the Saints, and upholding the sacramental order that has been upheld in the Church always, everywhere and by all.
The Bishop of Ruvuma continues with his mission and apostolate as a defender of the Faith of the Church, for which is known and acclaimed. In recent days another faithful Bishop of the Church has sent to him this message following a telephone conversation:" For me today is a blessed day: the first person to talk to, is a faithful servant of our Lord and Saviour."
In recent months, the members of Forward in Faith Australia invited the Bishop of Ruvuma to give two keynote addresses at their Annual Assembly and following his ministry in five Australian cities, there has been only appreciation for his having confirmed his brethren in the faith.
The Bishop of Ruvuma continues to inspire persons, young and old, struggling out of the darkness of the revisionist liberal religion of men and women of error, to reach for the light of Orthodox Biblical Christianity. Since the year 2000, the Bishop has been co-Vice Chairman of the International Bishops' Conference on Faith and Order, the Conference of traditionalist Anglican Bishops opposed to the revisionist liberal agenda, in defence of the Faith and the Order of the One, Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Church. In their June 2000 Statement the traditionalist Bishops committed themselves to helping spiritually those, Anglicans caught in the claws the revisionist religion even as they struggle for the evangelical faith and the order of the Church of God.
Those who oppose the Work of God in the EOMI whip up against the Bishop of Ruvuma the accusation of the crossing of jurisdictions.
According to documents that we possess, Anglican Churches that have a jurisdiction in Italy at all, claim a missionary jurisdiction only. This revolves around the spiritual oversight of those souls that accede to the canons and the authority of their respective Churches. There can be no crossing or overlapping of jurisdictions in this respect at all.
Admittedly a new comer on the scene, the EOMI is a missionary jurisdiction of only those Italian orthodox Anglican faithful, who look to the Bishop of Ruvuma for their spiritual oversight. There are no Americans or English people in the EOMI. In Christ, the Italian Anglicans who look to the Bishop of Ruvuma for their spiritual oversight have the freedom and every right to do so.
It is to be noted that all the clergy of the EOMI are canonically resident in the Diocese of Ruvuma. The faithful in the EOMI are native Italians almost all of whom have never belonged to any other Anglican jurisdiction.
It is important to state very clearly that the goal of the Mission is for the Glory of God and the Salvation of souls. Once we are clear about this goal and are committed to it, we do not need to wait for human acceptance or approval to go about doing the Work of God. Our presence it may not please the older Anglican missionary jurisdictions in Italy, but this is irrelevant ! The question is: Are we being faithful to God ? Is our work pleasing to Him ? Is the Glory of God and the Salvation of Souls our final end ? Nothing else matters !!
We in the EOMI bless the Name of God, our good Lord for His blessings. The Mission is slowly growing and the ministry is challenging. We thank God especially this time for the blessing of the first clergy from within the Mission itself. This for us is sufficient evidence that God is indeed with us. And if God is with us, the Psalmist has taught us to ask: who can be against us ?
We bless the Lord also for the friends of the Mission whose help we have sought and who have been understanding and generous to us. We shall continue to seek their assistance, and we pray and hope that they will continue to help us to pursue the goal of our Mission. May God bless the friends of the EOMI. March 20, 2006
The Rt. Rev. Dr. Maternus Kapinga
Diocesan Bishop of Ruvuma and EOMI
In the Anglican Church of Tanzania within the Anglican Communion Episcopal Orthodox Mission in Italy