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Culture Wars
January 14 2007 By virtueonline A rabbi's warning to U.S. Christians

In 1983, a brave French writer, Jean-Francois Revel, wrote a book called "How Democracies Perish." In this remarkable volume, he described how communism's aim is world conquest. For decades he had been trying to warn of communism's very real threat.

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January 11 2007 By virtueonline Christian Groups Trade Barbs On Their Sources of Funding

Both groups call themselves nonpartisan and are incorporated as tax-exempt charitable organizations. But the council, a New York-based alliance of 35 Christian denominations, is deeply involved in liberal social causes, such as reducing poverty and making peace; it achieved a long-standing legislative goal yesterday when the House voted to increase the minimum wage.

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January 06 2007 By virtueonline Without God, Gall Is Permitted

In the 21st century, this no longer seems to be the case. Few acquaintances of Dr. Richard Dawkins, the world's most voluble public atheist, wonder, as they might have a hundred years ago: Can I leave my wife unchaperoned in this man's company? Indeed, the atheists are now looking to turn the tables: They want to make belief itself not simply an object of intellectual derision but a cause for personal embarrassment.

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January 05 2007 By virtueonline Uninformed Consent: Abortion and Mental Health Consequences

The New Zealand study, published by the Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry, found that mental health problems, including depression, anxiety, substance abuse and suicidal thoughts, were more likely to occur among women who had an abortion than women who had never been pregnant or pregnant women who did not terminate the pregnancy. The study concluded, "Abortion in young women may be associated with increased risks of mental health problems."

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January 04 2007 By virtueonline When multiculturalism is conservative and christian - by Marvin Olasky

Rigby concluded with a call to teach our children to abandon "the dictator Christ of this culture." But is the idea of God with authority the product of our culture? Last summer I worshipped at a house church in Beijing, and the previous summer relished a service in a Zambian megahut. Crucially, those Asians and Africans see Jesus as Lord, not just a pal. Secondarily, they have conservative positions on homosexuality, gender and other issues that are dividing the American church.

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December 27 2006 By virtueonline Christ, Christmas, and Capitalism

Q: Why has Christianity been so successful for 2,000 years?

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December 27 2006 By virtueonline The culture war is about the authority of a Book - by Dennis Prager

And they line up together on virtually every major social/moral issue.

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December 25 2006 By virtueonline Perhaps Puritans weren't all that bad

Actually, most accepted notions about Puritans are untrue. For example, the Massachusetts law prohibiting Christmas grew from the Church of England's penchant for observing dozens of annual religious holidays. Puritans wanted many fewer church/state-sanctioned ceremonies, and eventually rejected all legally enforced regular religious observances except the Sabbath.

There are other myths:

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December 24 2006 By virtueonline CANADA: Evangelicals ignoring rise of Islam, says Campolo

Persecution in Iraq

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December 22 2006 By virtueonline Barna Lists the 12 Most Significant Religious Findings from 2006 Surveys

# Although large majorities of the public claim to be "deeply spiritual" and say that their religious faith is "very important" in their life, only 15% of those who regularly attend a Christian church ranked their relationship with God as the top priority in their life.

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