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Culture Wars
June 03 2007 By virtueonline Why are they throwing brickbats at God?

Terry Eagleton, an eminent literary scholar, reviewing Dawkins' book, The God Delusion, in the London Review of Books, says that Dawkins' writing on theology and philosophy is equivalent to someone writing on science whose sole familiarity with science is The Book of British Birds. That's also an apt description of Dawkins' limited discussion of ethics in his book. His ethical analysis is simplistic and unsophisticated.

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June 02 2007 By virtueonline Modernism in religion

We'll soon be hearing a lot about tradition -- Catholic tradition, anyway. Pope Benedict XVI is soon expected to grant permission for the traditional Latin Mass to be celebrated in any Roman Catholic Church in the world. The Latin Mass was the liturgy used by the Roman church from the 1570s until 1970, when Pope Paul VI promulgated a new Mass following the dictates of the Second Vatican Council.

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May 26 2007 By virtueonline THE McJESUS SEMINAR

The Jesus Seminar (JS) was founded by the late Robert Funk of Westar Institute in 1985. What was Funk's purpose for forming the group? To quote from Greg Koukl's article, The Jesus Seminar Under Fire [1], Funk said, "It is time for us [scholars] to quit the library and study and speak up....The Jesus Seminar is a clarion call to enlightenment. It is for those who prefer facts to fancies, history to histrionics, science to superstition."

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May 21 2007 By virtueonline ENDA ends employers' freedoms

Raytheon is by no means alone in offering enticements to prospective homosexual employees. Fortune reports that IBM is the No. 1 supporter of "gay rights" groups in the United States. In fact, the company also
extends benefits to transgender employees, having persuaded one of the world's leading sex reassignment surgeons to participate in its health insurance programs.

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May 11 2007 By virtueonline Survey Suggests University Faculty Bias Against Evangelicals

According to research by the Institute for Jewish & Community Research (IJCR), only 30 percent of non-Evangelical university faculty says they hold positive views of Evangelicals while 56 percent of faculty in social sciences and humanities departments holds unfavorable views. Overall, 53 percent of non-Evangelical university faculty have unfavorable views.

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May 10 2007 By virtueonline Murdoch pastor gets heat for mogul's porn channels. Warren Refutes Charges

"Rupert Murdoch is a born-again Christian and Rick Warren claims to be his pastor," says Chris Rosebrough, head of the Christian Accountability Network. "As a Christian, Murdoch is committing an egregious sin by owning, expanding and profiting from pornographic channels, and Rick Warren, his pastor, has a biblical duty to call Murdoch to repentance and/or put him out of the church."

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May 08 2007 By virtueonline Lawful incest may be on its way

It was a common-sensical observation, though you wouldn't have known it from the nail-spitting it triggered in some quarters. When the justices, voting 6-3, did in fact declare it unconstitutional for any state to punish consensual gay sex, the dissenters echoed Santorum's point. "State laws against bigamy, same-sex marriage, adult incest, prostitution, masturbation, adultery, fornication, bestiality, and obscenity are . . .

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May 04 2007 By virtueonline Conservatives Warn Sexual Orientation "Hate Crime" Law Threatens Religious Freed

Dr. Dobson pointed out that a proposed amendment to include protection for religious freedom in the bill was gunned down by Democrats.

"What is at stake here is freedom of speech and the expression of conscience," Dr. Dobson said, "and without a huge outcry from the public expressed to the House, Senate and the White House, it will become law."

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April 19 2007 By virtueonline 'Partial Birth' Abortion Ban Upheld by Top U.S. Court

The decision heralds a more receptive approach toward abortion restrictions from a court that in 2000 overturned a similar Nebraska law. Bush's appointees, Chief Justice John Roberts and Justice Samuel Alito, helped turn the tide in today's case, joining Justices Anthony Kennedy, Antonin Scalia and Clarence Thomas.

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April 13 2007 By virtueonline Canadians apologize for all 'gay' marriages

Grant Hill, leader in Canada's Conservative Party

Family-friendly organizations and individuals from Canada, including Conservative Party leader Grant Hill, have joined in a campaign to apologize to the world for allowing homosexual marriage to gain a foothold on society.

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