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VOL Viewpoints
December 12 2020 By dvirtue GAFCON Approved Anglican Network in Europe Formed * CofE Lesbian Erupts Over LLF Report * Split Threatened in CofE if Homosexual Marriage not approved * Anglican Church of Canada Uses Advent to Denounce Racism and White Supremacy *Truro Church Negotiation

Using feminine pronouns and names for a biological male or male pronouns and names for a biological female is comparable to agreeing with an anorexic that she is indeed overweight. It feeds a gnostic delusion and encourages further abuse to the body. -- Robert A.J. Gagnon

For revisionists and liberals, the afterlife is an afterthought --- Anonymous
Dear Brothers and Sisters,
December 11, 2020

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November 28 2020 By dvirtue Next Decade Could be Worse * ACNA Archbishop Beach Rips Persecution of Bishop Love * CofE Lesbian calls Conservatives Holocaust Deniers & Rapists * Two TEC Bishops Backtrack on Love Deposition * Scholar says TEC will be OOB in 20 Years * More

A half truth masquerading as the whole truth becomes a complete untruth. --- J.I. Packer

You can't go back and change the beginning, but you can start where you are and change the ending. -- C.S. Lewis

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November 14 2020 By dvirtue SEX, SEX, HOMOEROTIC SEX * CofE's Love and Faith Report * Australian Anglican Diocese Okays Homosexual Marriage * Anglican APB says God builds His Church Despite Persecution * Sewanee Muslim Read Qur'anic Verse at Graduation * GTS President steps down

"Walk more closely with God. Get nearer to Christ. Seek to exchange hope for assurance. Seek to feel the witness of the Spirit more closely and distinctly every year. Lay aside every weight, and the sin that so easily threatens you. Press towards the mark more earnestly. Fight a better fight, and war a better warfare every year you live. Pray more. Read more. Subdue self more. Love the brethren more.

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October 31 2020 By dvirtue Elections Challenge Christians * GAFCON Lauds Bishop Love * Nigerian Primate Rips CofE & TEC Over Homosexuality * Church of England faces Child Sexual Abuse Criticism; Evangelicals ask if they should stay * POTUS switches Denominations * More

If we are true Christians, we must not expect everything smooth in our journey to heaven. We must count it no strange thing, if we have to endure sicknesses, losses, bereavements, and disappointments, just like other men. Free pardon and full forgiveness, grace along the way, and glory at the end all this our Savior has promised to give. But He has never promised that we shall have no afflictions. --- J. C. Ryle

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October 18 2020 By dvirtue Communion Partner Bishops Statement on Bishop Love * TEC Pours Money into Failing Dioceses * TEC Numbers Reveal Church Will Die by 2050 * Bishop Frey Dies * Anglican Church of Canada OOB by 2040 * Diocese of Huron Closes 50 Churches

"Holiness is the habit of being of one mind with God, according as we find His mind described in Scripture. It is the habit of agreeing in God's judgment, hating what He hates, loving what He loves, and measuring everything in this world by the standard of His Word." ― J.C. Ryle, Holiness

Dear Brothers and Sisters,
October 16, 2020

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October 06 2020 By dvirtue Albany Bishop William Love found Guilty of Violating Marriage Canon * Anglican Archbishop Calls on 50,000 Christians to Repent * Ravi Zacharias Faces New charges of Sexual Abuse in Spa * Justin Welby called on to Reinstate Bishop Bell * More

Unless I start with the holiness of God, my whole conception of the love of God is going to be false. --- D. Martyn Lloyd-Jones

"Be very sure of this, - people never reject the Bible because they cannot understand it. They understand it only too well; they understand that it condemns their own behavior; they understand that it witnesses against their own sins, and summons them to judgment." ― J.C. Ryle

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September 19 2020 By dvirtue Culture Wars Ramp up * Exclusive Interview with Archbishop Foley Beach * ACNA and EMC Enter into Concordat * Galli Goes to Rome * Ravi Zacharias Faces More Revelations * Will Revival Come to America? * Canadian Bishops Rejoice at Life on Venus * More

The new religion of anti-racism has its own version of original sin. It holds that people with one skin color have a harmful privilege that is possessed even by those who hate racism. They will never be able to be cleansed of that original sin.

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September 05 2020 By dvirtue Protestant Churches Will Face Apocalypse after COVID-19 * PPP kept 75% of Churches Open * 1 in 5 Churches will Close -- Barna * Welby called on to Resign over Bishop Bell Affair * Sewanee Rampant with Drugs and Alcohol * More

Clergy were also slave owners until the eve of the Civil War. A 2006 report by the Virginia Theological Seminary noted that 82% of the Episcopal clergy tied to the Diocese of Virginia in the 1860 census "had at least one slave, while some owned dozens." --- The Virginia Pilot

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August 22 2020 By dvirtue COVID is taking its Toll * Western Anglican Provinces in Dire Spiritual Straits * TSM President Interview * Anglican Primate Condemns Homosexuality * CofE’s Discipline Scandal * US Christians Depart Core Truths * Multiculturalism has run its course

Christians are part of communities where we do want to help the community to try to buttress, to build up, to strengthen and to serve those who are in need. And in particular, the most vulnerable among us who are children. But we must insist on doing that honestly and a part of that honesty is knowing that there is no social structure. There is no bureaucratic program. There is no government entity that can wholly replace a missing parent or an inadequacy in a family.

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August 08 2020 By dvirtue Church of England Faces Multiple Crises * Welby Condemns Hagia Sophia being turned into Mosque * Who Owns the Anglican Communion? * Springfield Diocese reaches settlement with Bishop * BARNA -- Online Services Not Meeting Needs * Sudan Slaughter

The world's largest relevant dataset (on transitioning) reveals hormones and surgeries don't bring wholeness and happiness. We need to find better, more humane, and effective responses to those who experience dysphoria. --- Dr. Ryan T. Anderson

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