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Reformation & Revival
May 15 2014 By virtueonline Why So Many Churches Hear So Little of the Bible

As Galli reflected, “Anyone who’s been in the preaching and teaching business knows these are not isolated examples but represent the larger reality.”

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May 13 2014 By virtueonline The State of Evangelism

Evangelism and the Millennial: Surging, Sinking, or Staying the Same?

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May 02 2014 By virtueonline Living Up To Its Name: Church of the Advent- Washington, DC

Tommy’s involvement in this move of God began when he was a student at Furman University. An agnostic and critic of Christianity, Tommy did not anticipate that his heart would be captured by God, nor did he foresee that his journey would take him to Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary and on to ordination and church planting.

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April 25 2014 By virtueonline Church Army Africa aims to bring healing, hope to communities

Since its establishment in 2009, Church Army Africa has persuaded more than 12,000 clergy and evangelists to consider HEAL as a model for mission. “We have seen a number of HEAL Africa projects initiated such as nursery schools, clinics, village micro-finance programs, peace and reconciliation initiatives and, above all, 350 new churches planted across the continent.”

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April 22 2014 By virtueonline Why Muslims Are Becoming the Best Evangelists

• In Algeria, after 100,000 died in Muslim-on-Muslim violence, 10,000 Muslims turned their backs on Islam and were baptized as followers of Christ. This movement has tripled since the late 1990s.

• At the time of the 1979 revolution in Iran, about 500 individual Muslims were following Christ. Garrison projects that today there may be several hundred thousand Christ-followers, mostly worshipping in Iranian house churches.

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April 13 2014 By virtueonline TALLAHASSEE, FL: New St. Peter's Church nears completion

Father Andrew Rowell, associate rector of evangelism and discipleship at St. Peter’s, said the congregation is building a home for the future.

“When you look at St. Peter’s from the air, it’s a cross laid out on the ground,” Rowell said “It’s a stamp of the message of the gospel in building form.”

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April 04 2014 By virtueonline The Fault Lines Before the Evangelical Earthquake

Can an institution with an historic evangelical identity be divided on an issue as central as marriage and family and still be evangelical? Related to this discussion are questions about the authority and interpretation of Scripture, cultural engagement, and institutional power. All sides of the debate recognize that the definition of evangelical is at stake, which is why some are now publicly casting off the term altogether.

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When we finally arrived, we could not help but comment on the limited parking availability. As I tested my parallel parking skills, I thought of today’s trend to incorporate sufficient parking when planting new churches. Yet, in spite of the contrast to this new trend, Trinity, with limited parking, is growing. So, again we ask, what is happening here? What is bringing joy and growth to this inner city parish? The answer, definitely, was to be found inside.

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April 02 2014 By virtueonline SYMPOSIUM: Millennials & Church: Matter Matters - Part III

The crisis of worship and the crisis on moral teaching in churches today are not separate issues. I do not think it is an accident that the churches that have preserved forms of worship that can be traced back over 2000 years are also the ones that have kept the same teachings on sexual ethics. I will only speak for myself, but what drew me to the Orthodox Church was its sense of having preserved something that can be traced all the way back to the Apostles.

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April 02 2014 By virtueonline SYMPOSIUM: Tony Jones and Me - Part II

Mr. Jones probably doesn’t realize how much influence he had over me during college. The emergent movement was still en vogue five years ago and I, like many others, swooned over the idea of coffee house sermons and yoga worship sessions. Thinking back, I realize now that the only reason why the emergent movement ever attracted me in the first place was because I was seeking approval.

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