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WASHINGTON, DC: Former ACC Secretary General Blasts Internet, Lauds MDGs

WASHINGTON, DC: Former ACC Secretary General Blasts Internet, Lauds MDGs

News Analysis

By David W. Virtue

The former Secretary General of the Anglican Consultative Council John L. Peterson has blasted the Internet for destroying the unity of the Anglican Communion, while lauding Millennium Development Goals as the way forward to promote church unity and alleviate world hunger.

Peterson, an egregious little man, was a toady of Frank Griswold's when he was Presiding Bishop and whose specialty was manipulating gatherings of Primates to enhance his paymaster's standing, while isolating and confusing Global South Primates, denying them phone access among themselves and to the outside world at various primatial gatherings.

No flunky worked harder or more tirelessly to promote the American Episcopal Church's pansexual agenda than Canon Peterson, an American working in London, whose reward for years of service rendered, was a plum job as canon for Global Justice and Reconciliation at Washington National Cathedral. He earned it.

He was finally exposed by the Rev. Dr. Paul Zahl then Dean of the Cathedral Church of the Advent in Birmingham, Alabama, when Peterson left a number of classified documents outlining his venality at a Xerox machine. Zahl picked them up, read them, and with near perfect recall, reported the contents to the American media.

What they revealed was a bid to manipulate the agenda and format of the ACC meeting in London in 2003 and nullify conservative outcome in the battle raging within the Anglican Communion over homosexuality. He tried to use financial intimidation and a manipulative agenda to frustrate the will of the majority of the Primates of the Anglican Communion. Had it not been for Zahl's revelations of Petersen's game plan, he might have succeeded. The orthodox Primates were on to him, outraging one particular primate the very outspoken leader of the Anglican Church of Nigeria, the Most Rev. Peter Akinola.

Akinola never trusted Petersen, and later, when he visited the offices of the ACC in London he blasted the ACC's domination by white Western liberals, when it was now very clear that the Anglican Communion was predominantly black, female and under 30.

Undaunted, Petersen carried on, firm in the conviction that Western liberals had both the money and the power to determine the outcome of the Anglican Communion. Petersen was Griswold's man and he manipulated him to his and the ABC's advantage whenever he could, especially to Petersen's uber boss, the evangelical George Carey whom Petersen despised. Carey's problem was that he was too naïve and trusting of Petersen who later usurped his power by trading up the name of the Anglican Consultative Council to the Anglican Communion Office, elevating it to the level of the fourth instrument of Unity. It was his slickest move, and he pulled it off so effectively and quietly that no one knew what had happened till it was done.

Petersen was the master of gay and liberal agit prop, doing the bidding of the gay and lesbian lobby for his paymaster Griswold, till he landed his new job at the Washington Cathedral.

The official blurb that he "worked tirelessly to forge closer ties among the 38 autonomous provinces in the worldwide Anglican Communion" is one of the biggest lies perpetuated and slung around the communion.

But now Petersen is watching it all come unglued, and he says openly that his legacy is in jeopardy as a result of theological disagreements. Here is what he said: "The geographical areas that have given structural authority to the provinces in the Anglican Communion are breaking down and this could weaken the entire Church. What we have here is a serious breakdown in provincial authority. How this will play out, I have no idea," said Canon Peterson.

But then he gave a hint of why and who is causing this. He told a group of high level Episcopalians recently that the culprit was the Internet which allows a decision made by one church to be immediately known by all other provinces. Thus when The Episcopal Church consecrated an openly gay bishop, that action was instantly noted around the world and triggered protest from some of the provinces which disapproved on theological grounds.

He moaned: "No longer are we a family in isolation...no longer does it take three months to get a message from New Zealand to the United States or four months to get a letter from Southern Africa."

In times past the liberals controlled the media, most of it print, and what they said was believed. Not any more. All that has gone by the board. The Internet can, in minutes unspin the liberal drivel and lies, expose the rot and scandals in Western Anglicanism and rip them around the world in nano-seconds. VOL is in the forefront of that Internet revolution and has no peer.

Petersen wailed that while faster communication is a positive technological development, it is feeding divisive disagreements among provinces, including The Episcopal Church, he said. These disagreements create a splintering lack of unity and lack of harmony.

That is total lies and spin. It is people like Petersen who are the problem. They are creating the crisis with a divide and conquer mentality and by promoting an unbiblical pansexual agenda that the Global South and some Western bishops adamantly refuse to buy into.

The present crisis in the Anglican Communion is not caused by the Internet, it has been caused by people like Petersen and their strategies, theology and venality exposed through the Internet, otherwise no one would know anything about it. Can anyone imagine, for a single moment, true stories about the condition of The Episcopal Church appearing say, in Episcopal Life? It is laughable.

Behold the spin from Petersen: "Why it makes a difference is that we as a Communion can have far more influence as a Communion instead of as individual churches. When one acts as a communion, one can really make a difference. That is why these divisions sadden me. The body of Christ seems weakened."

Wrong. The communion is the sum of its parts - individual churches. The communion can only act as the parts speak in truth and unity about doctrine, faith and morals. The "communion" is not some abstract notion, above 'mere' parishes that can act apart from them. If there are divisions they are honestly come by because major theological differences occur that cannot and will not be glossed over by the likes of Canon John Peterson.

"Instead of arguing about theological differences, Canon Peterson urged Episcopalians and members of other provinces in the Anglican Communion to work together for the alleviation of poverty, hunger, infant mortality, diseases such as malaria and HIV/Aids, human exploitation and suffering of all kinds. He said the Church, not the United Nations, should have set the Millennium Development Goals aimed at alleviating global human disparities."

To downplay or mock 'theological differences' is to do a profound disservice to the Body of Christ. The apostle Paul made it abundantly clear that 'sound doctrine' was of primary importance to the church and that false prophets could and will lead people astray and should be brought to heel and, if that failed, tossed out of the church.

To argue that works of mercy are of a higher order is to completely miss the mark. If what Petersen says is true then the Episcopal Church might well be an adjunct to the UN, a sort of superior Elks or Lions Club with a creed that is useful on Sunday mornings for the faithful who might still believe in it.

"It is scandalous," says Peterson, "that it was the U.N. that came up with the Millennium Development Goals when they are really the core gospel of Jesus Christ."

Rubbish. It is not remotely scandalous at all, that's their job and they are better at doing it than the Episcopal Church. Furthermore MDG's are not the "core" of the gospel at all. What is at the core is the Good News of God's salvation for all people made possible through the life death and resurrection of Jesus Christ. Petersen has it all wrong. He is pushing a false gospel that he hopes will create an earthly utopia. It won't happen. Even Jesus himself recognized "that the poor you will always have with you," not as a statement about the way things should be, but as a statement about the way things are.

The current tragedy and crisis of the Anglican Communion has been made possible precisely because of people like John Peterson. He has been one of its leaders and he is directly to blame for the mess we are in.


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