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VOL Viewpoints
June 20 2008 By virtueonline GAFCON meets in Amman and Jerusalem. Leaders Seek Renewed Anglican Communion

Moral responsibility. Scripture invariably treats us as morally responsible agents. It lays upon us the necessity of choice ... Why is it that people do not come to Christ? Is it that they cannot, or is it that they will not? Jesus taught both. And in this 'cannot' and 'will not' lies the ultimate antinomy between divine sovereignty and human responsibility. But however we state it, we must not eliminate either part.

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June 14 2008 By virtueonline Bennison Faces End...Albany Diocese Shines...GAFCON Calls

Dear Brothers and Sisters,

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June 06 2008 By virtueonline Counterfeit Communion Out, New Communion Now..Gays Must Apologize..PA Trial Set

Our likeness to God. Those who regard a human being as nothing but a programmed machine (behaviourists) or an absurdity (existentialists) or a naked ape (humanistic evolutionists) are all denigrating our creation in God's image. True, we are also rebels against God and deserve nothing at his hand except judgment, but our fallenness has not entirely destroyed our God-likeness.

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May 30 2008 By virtueonline Five Dioceses Oppose Schori...Sauls Spin...New NA Structure a Reality - Duncan

Submission to Christ. Our primary authority is Jesus Christ our Teacher and our Lord, and our submission to Scripture is only the logical outcome and necessary expression of our submission to him. It is to Christ that we come; but Christ sends us to a book. Not that the book to which he sends us is a dead and wooden letter, or an authoritarian ogre. He bids us listen rather to his own voice as he speaks to our particular situation by his Spirit and through his written Word.

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May 23 2008 By virtueonline Three Bishops Endorse Ca. Law..Seminaries Face Closure..Liberal Bishop to GAFCON

The false analogy of race (immutable) to sexual behavior (changeable and variable) has once again reared its ugly head in the California Supreme Court majority opinion. The foundation was laid at the federal level in the Texas sodomy case which invoked the extra-constitutional and specious 'right of privacy' vis-a-vis homosexual behavior. The slippery slope of legalizing consensual adult sex and all its permutations has brought us to this critical juncture.

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May 16 2008 By virtueonline TEC Sex Abuse Scandal...Property Disputes Continue...ABC's 'Painful' Letter

Mainline Protestant boards and agencies, describe what is at stake: "These church bureaucracies have offered the mainline churches an unsupervised playground for experimentation in political messianism, utopianism, sexual liberation, and anti-market economics." ---Methodist theologian Thomas Oden

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May 10 2008 By virtueonline Realignment in Full Swing...62 TEC Priests deposed...Black Church in Decline

False teachers. In telling people to "*beware of false prophets"* (Mt. 7:15), Jesus obviously assumed that there were such. There is no sense in putting on your garden gate the notice 'Beware of the dog' if all you have at home is a couple of cats and a budgerigar! No. Jesus warned his followers of false prophets because they already existed. We come across them on numerous occasions in the Old Testament, and Jesus seems to have regarded the Pharisees and the Sadducees in the same light.

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May 03 2008 By virtueonline Orthodox Canadian Anglicans Launch New Initiative.PB Presentment.Robinson Rants

The Study of Theology. Intellectual exploration. The fact that God has revealed himself in Christ and in Scripture does not rule out intellectual exploration. The theologian is no more inhibited from theological research because God has revealed himself in Scripture than the scientist is inhibited from scientific research because God has revealed himself in nature.

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April 26 2008 By virtueonline CANADIAN Church in Turmoil..ANiC Conference Ignites Orthodox..More Faithful Flee

Reputation and revelation. We need the humility of Mary. She accepted God's purpose, saying, 'May it be to me as you have said' . . . We also need Mary's courage. She was so completely willing for God to fulfill his purpose, that she was ready to risk the stigma of being an unmarried mother, of being thought an adulteress herself and of bearing an illegitimate child. She surrendered her reputation to God's will.

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April 19 2008 By virtueonline Four Parishes Leave TEC... Mounting Tensions in Communion... No HOB in May

The fount of reformation. The English Reformation may be said to have begun in the White Horse Inn in Cambridge, where from 1519 a group met in secret to study the Greek Testament which Erasmus had published three years previously. It was this that Tyndale translated into English, determined (as he put it) that the ploughboy should know the Scriptures better than the Pope.

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