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Theology, History & Science
March 31 2008 By virtueonline An Anglican Prayer Book (2008): Baptism

In its ratification of the Theological Statement of the Common Cause Partnership the Anglican Mission accepted the 1662 Prayer Book as a doctrinal standard and the 1662 Prayer Book, with the Books that preceded it, as a worship standard. This means that the services of the 1662 Prayer Book and the doctrine expressed in them have at least on paper normative status.

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March 27 2008 By virtueonline Chronology of the same-sex debate in the Anglican Church of Canada

1987 - New Westminster diocesan synod urges congregations to undertake study on sexuality.

1988 - International Lambeth Conference of bishops calls for further study of homosexuality.

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March 22 2008 By virtueonline The resurrection of sin

THIS is the sort of language that traumatised generations. Such graphic injunctions about sin and its consequences (this was the most famous description of hell since Dante's Inferno) terrified countless young men and women, particularly those who were Catholic. Considerable determination, ingenuity and often cruelty went into "protecting" people from their base desires. But such efforts, however well-meaning, made the language of sin itself sinful.

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March 20 2008 By virtueonline "By God's grace we make our stand, and we stand together, whatever the cost..."

Part of the awesomeness of this service today is that all three orders are present here at one time and place to renew and reaffirm the sacred vows which each of us took when we were ordained. And I want to simply begin with the reminder that the first theme of what we do today is "continuity and fidelity." Continuity and fidelity. We promise to continue the apostolic ministry of Word and Sacrament as we have received it from the New Testament Church.

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March 15 2008 By virtueonline An Anglican Prayer Book (2008): The Order for the Holy Communion - Part III

An Anglican Prayer Book (2008) would have benefited from a General Directions for Public Worship section with a note pointing to the attention of users of the book that where a certain posture is particularly appropriate, it is indicated but these directions are suggestions only. Such a note would have helped to give the book the kind of flexibility needed for the wide variety of circumstances in which Anglican Mission congregations are worshiping.

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March 13 2008 By virtueonline Professor wins prize for maths link to God

According to the Templeton Foundation, which has awarded its prize for Progress toward Research or Discoveries about Spiritual Realities for 35 years, Professor Heller's research has "pushed at the metaphysical horizons of science". The prize money is adjusted every year so that it remains greater than the amount given by the Nobel Foundation, which awards the Nobel prizes.

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March 10 2008 By virtueonline The St. Andrew's Draft: A Critique - Robert J. Sanders

The theology of The St. Andrew's Draft can be seen throughout the document, but it is especially prominent in the introduction which, in the words of the document itself, presents a "fuller theological rationale."(1) That rationale grounds the Anglican Communion in the communion of the three Persons of the Trinity.

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March 10 2008 By virtueonline Criteria for Bishops - Richard Sutter SSM

Thirdly, experience ought to be considered to the point that candidacy should be limited to those with at least five years of full-time ministry, which perhaps might be waived to three years for those holding theological doctorates*. Frankly, this is such a minimal requirement that it probably ought to be doubled. The logic is plain, however. If a man has never been a full-time rector for any length of time how could he be expected to be a full-time bishop?

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March 04 2008 By virtueonline Hooker on unity with Rome

"If Israel play the harlot, let not Juda sin." "If it seem evil unto you," saith Josua, "to serve the Lord, choose you this day whom ye will serve; whether the gods whom your fathers served beyond the flood, or the gods of the Amorites in whose land ye dwell: but I and mine house will serve the Lord." The indisposition therefore of the Church of Rome to reform herself must be no stay unto us from performing our duty to God; even as desire of retaining conformity with them could be no excuse i

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February 15 2008 By virtueonline Biblical hero Joseph 'was really a Muslim'

Joseph's Tomb is the believed burial place of the son of Jacob who was sold by his brothers into slavery and later became viceroy of Egypt.

Palestinian security officials in Nablus said Monday they were called to the tomb to find 16 burning tires inside the sacred structure. A Palestinian police official who inspected the site told WND there was some fire damage to the tomb.

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