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July 10 2005 By virtueonline "FEAR NOT; I AM WITH YOU" - by Johann Christoph Arnold

As on 9/11, President Bush went on television within hours to reassure citizens of the "free world" that "we shall not be intimidated by the terrorists, and we will spread an ideology of freedom and compassion."

British Prime Minister Tony Blair did the same this morning, vowing to defend "our values and our way of life" and promising that terrorists shall "never succeed in destroying what we hold dear in this country and in other civilized nations."

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It's not just a birthright, it's something that others struggled for, strived for, often suffered for, often were defeated for and died for, for us, for the next generation.... We've got to teach history and nurture history and encourage history because it's an antidote to the hubris of the present - the idea that everything we have and everything we do and everything we think is the ultimate, the best. ...

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June 27 2005 By virtueonline INVISIBLE CONFLICT REVEALED - by Ted Schroder

So you're always at odds with yourself. I do care about the state of my soul. But there this great movie playing down the street or there's a football game I want to watch. And we are constantly bombarded with this seduction of the senses. (p.128) Madonna has taken up a study of Kabbalah in order to develop a spiritual life. She sees the need to change her life from being a rebel and an exhibitionist. She recognizes that she wasn't thinking responsibly when she became a mother.

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June 18 2005 By virtueonline REVELATION FOR TODAY - by Ted Schroder

When we read it with this understanding we find that it gives us a picture of eternity and the kingdom of heaven to encourage us on our journey through time, a picture of Jesus Christ and his lordship over history, and it reveals the real nature of the opposition to the gospel which people of Christian faith have to confront and overcome in their lives.

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June 14 2005 By virtueonline TAKE COURAGE

Later, in policing up Treptow’s personnel effects, a diary was found in his blood-stained blouse. Written in Treptow’s own hands were the words entitled, My Pledge, words that serve as a memorial to the price he paid. "America shall win the war. Therefore, I will work. I will save. I will sacrifice. I will endure. I will fight cheerfully and do my utmost, as if the whole issue of the struggle depended on my alone."

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June 02 2005 By virtueonline Blessing and Curse

If you walked into Office Depot in ancient Baghdad, you could pick up a CD-ROM with templates containing forms for legal documents in case you wanted to make up your will or compose an important letter. Undoubtedly among them would be a template for covenants.

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May 25 2005 By virtueonline A TESTIMONY TO ALL THE NATIONS

The equivalent of Memorial Day in New Zealand was Anzac Day, named after the Australia & New Zealand Army Corps, which fought together in World War I. It was celebrated on April 25, the day in 1915 when the ANZACS were landed at the Gallipoli peninsula to capture that part of Turkey, so that the Allies could occupy Constantinople, secure the Suez Canal, establish safe routes to Russia, prevent Bulgaria from entering into the war, and relieve the Western front in France and Belgium.

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The revelation of the God of the Bible is the self-disclosure in history of one, universal God who was neither a willful tyrant to be avoided, nor a carnivorous predator to be appeased, nor a remote abstraction to be safely ignored. Human beings were not the playthings of the gods or the passive victims of Fate, but the beloved children of God who were partners in God's enterprise in history.

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May 21 2005 By virtueonline Why What We Believe About God is Crucial

In the classical world of Greece, Rome and Israel, the gods or Fate, played games with people, often with lethal consequences, as the Greeks and the Trojans discovered in Homer’s Iliad, and Odyssey. The prophets of Israel fought against a view of the gods that celebrated fertility cults and demanded child sacrifices.

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May 11 2005 By virtueonline The Unpredictable, Inexplicable, Uncontrollable Presence

Could this not have been what the apostles’ experienced on that day of Pentecost in Jerusalem? They were meeting in fellowship and prayer when the presence of God was experienced as the blowing of a violent wind which filled the house, and filled them. God was recreating them.

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Trinity School for Ministry
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