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As Eye See It
October 18 2004 By virtueonline Initial Reflections on the Windsor Report - by Robert Sanders

The Report understates the matter when it urges the Archbishop of Canterbury to "exercise very considerable caution in inviting or admitting him [Bishop Robinson] to the councils of the Communion." It is not simply the councils that are at stake, but the integrity of the body of Christ in fellowship with the Lord that is at stake.

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October 18 2004 By virtueonline A Quick Read: Windsor Report Underwhelms - by Robert England

It also leaves Gene Robinson in place -- a situation sure to be unacceptable to a majority of Primates.

It does, however, call for a moratorium on consecrating new gay bishops -- although even that is not entirely clear. The actual language states that there should be no new bishops "in same gender unions."

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October 18 2004 By virtueonline ACKERMAN TO SYNOD: "Underlying issues are ecclesiological and theological"

As it relates to the Church as a whole we are dealing with issues that one would never have imagined, and as a nation we have encountered what virtually no one would have predicted, namely an attack on our very own soil. The responses to being attacked vary; we can ignore them, we can say that they do not affect me, and we can incorporate into our soul the fears, doubts and uncertainties that come with the trauma of being attacked.

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October 17 2004 By virtueonline Will Anglican Separation become Anglican Divorce? - by Kendall Harmon

But sex is only the tip of the iceberg, the real controversy is underneath the water.

This is fundamentally a debate about the interpretation and authority of Scripture. During their once a decade meeting in 1998 at Lambeth, the vast majority of Anglican bishops worldwide rejected "homosexual practice as incompatible with Scripture."

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October 05 2004 By virtueonline Do We Really Need Bishops? - by Kevin Martin

Of serious concern and challenge for all Episcopalians is Reno’s contention that Bishops are now a sign of the disunity of the church. This raises a very important question, “Do we really need Bishops?”

Setting out an Answer this Question

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October 04 2004 By virtueonline GOOD NEWS FOR THE WORLD: The story of the Bible Society - by Roger Steer

It is a moving and remarkable story, and it typifies many of the subsequent accounts in Steer’s book as he takes the reader from the formation of the Bible Society, its association with the Clapham Sect and other Evangelical reformers of the 19th century, through to the international societies of today.

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September 30 2004 By virtueonline Anglicans at the crossroads - by Austin Ivereigh. A Roman Catholic perspective

The commission was asked to look at the future shape of the worldwide Anglican church, a loose federation of national churches accurately described recently by Frank Griswold, presiding bishop of the Episcopal Church of the U.S.A., as a “nonjuridical reality.” The question the commission has been asked to consider is “how to maintain the highest degree of communion possible” in the light of Griswold’s decision -- taken against the express pleas of the Anglican primates -- to consecrate an act

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September 30 2004 By virtueonline Louie Crew and Uganda:"You should resign from Executive Council" by Andrew Carey

Although the Church of Uganda is responsible for its own actions in choosing to associate broken communion with financial assistance, this is partly because officers of ECUSA since 2003 have been not so subtly accusing the African church of grandstanding. They’re still accepting our money, they’re still accepting our missionaries, they have said to the international press when asked about broken communion.

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September 29 2004 By virtueonline FOND DU LAC: A "Historic Moment" for the U.S. Continuing Church

Not only that, the prelates were joined by the Rev. David Moyer, head of the Episcopal Church traditionalist organization, Forward in Faith, North America; and the Rev. David Chislett, Vice President of Forward in Faith-Australia.

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