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As Eye See It
December 15 2006 By virtueonline An Open Letter to V. Gene Robinson

Our Anglican ability to live with a wide range of theological differences, and our ability to differentiate between essentials and adiaphora, is now impaired if not completely lost-thanks to your election.

Whatever sense of unity and community there was in the House of Bishops of TEC is now gone-thanks to your election. The symbolic headship of the Archbishop of Canterbury within the Anglican Communion is seriously at risk-thanks to your election.

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December 14 2006 By virtueonline SEWANEE: Trustee Rips University of the South's Theological Drift

While I cannot imagine the University's leadership would allow the explicit Christian wording to be attenuated, it has left me pushing a little deeper into the entire question of just what it means to be a Christian university at all and whether we will be committed to the Christian reality which birthed this college as we move into the future.

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December 14 2006 By virtueonline "Unification of all Anglican churches in North America is the goal" - Anderson

The cause of the conflict may vary, but historians tell us that in every conflict there is one battle that turns the tide of combat and gives the advantage to the side that will ultimately be victorious. Historians also tell us that within this one battle there is one particular skirmish that will define the outcome, not only for the battle, but also for the entire war, and shape history for years to come.

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December 13 2006 By virtueonline Episcopal leaders discriminate against adulterers - by Les Kinsolving

That, in a nation so much smaller than the United States, is notable. For the U.S. Episcopal Church - the denomination of so many of the founders of the United States - has now shrunk to 2.3 million - from what was in the 1960s 3.5 million.

The Post reports:

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December 12 2006 By virtueonline God Among Us - Mrs Schori's Christmas Message

The vulnerability of being born in obscurity, to a peasant refugee couple, in an out of the way place, says to us that God is with us in the smallest parts of life -- perhaps a reminder that we, too, may discover God in those humble and unexpected places if we are willing to go in search.

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December 12 2006 By virtueonline We have not abandoned the Communion of the Church

As this process unfolded, we found other bishops in the Anglican Communion who accepted our ordinations and provided Episcopal oversight as we continued our priestly duties. These events raise several critical questions. First, what is meant by "communion?" Secondly, who decides when someone is in or out of communion and upon what grounds? Further, what happens if one bishop defrocks priests and other bishops, as is the case, affirm their priestly ministry?

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December 09 2006 By virtueonline FLORIDA: "I have not abandoned the communion of the church" - Rev. Sam Pascoe

I have neither abandoned the communion of this church nor have I renounced my orders as a priest in this church. I have continued to exercise ordained ministry within this communion and, by God's grace and gifting, I will continue to do so.

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We thought that that was clear enough. But it soon became clear from actions and words and decisions made that not everybody wanted to follow the line of the Communion. And we all knew at that moment that this present separation was going to happen. And basically it happened because there are two ways at the present moment of defining Christianity.

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December 06 2006 By virtueonline "Shall the Fundamentalists Win?"

Eventually, the African bishop asked in exasperation, "If you don't believe the scripture, why did you bring it to us in the first place?" Christian denominations worldwide have been deeply divided over issues of gender, sexual morality, and homosexuality. These debates illustrate a sharp global division, with many North American and European churches willing to accommodate liberalizing trends in the wider society, while their African and Asian counterparts prove much more conservative.

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December 06 2006 By virtueonline The Sources of Division - Truro Church Vestry Statement

The Archbishop of Canterbury, together with the rest of the Primates, and (in June 2005) the Anglican Consultative Council ("ACC") graciously granted The Episcopal Church until the 2006 General Convention to turn back to the Communion by complying with several specific requests. We waited, prayed, and hoped for that fateful Convention.

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