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CofE Synod Okays Women Bishops...Anglo-Catholics Betrayed...TEC News

CofE Synod Okays Women Bishops...Anglo-Catholics Betrayed...CA Bishops Affirm Gay Marriage

The (Church of England) Synod is like a mafia movie where the luckless are stabbed in the back while they're being hugged. --- Damian Thompson on Anglo-Catholics after Synod voted to ordain women bishops

Archbishop Rowan Williams, in his response to GAFCON, admonishes us in the words of I Cor. 11.33: "Wait for one another." I believe we have been waiting far too long. While the official structures of Anglican Churches have been waiting, certain dioceses, parishes, and national churches are in chaos and are being ripped asunder by the forces unleashed in that chaos. While we wait and defer the clearing of the weeds from the Anglican field, the weeds are choking out the wheat. If we wait much longer, there will be no wheat remaining, nothing from which to make the Bread of Life, and we will have lost the Body of Christ, having in its place only the empty husk. _---Bill Wheatley, Anglo-Catholic layman in Philadelphia

"I can't (keep everyone together). I'm not a magician. What I've got to do is not solve everyone's problems, but try to make space for people to be heard and ensure that there's care for those who feel they've lost." –-- Rowan Williams

No perfect society Although it is right to campaign for social justice and to expect to improve society further, in order to make it more pleasing to God, we know that we should never perfect it. Christians are not utopians. Although we know the transforming power of the gospel and the wholesome effects of Christian salt and light, we also know that evil is ingrained in human nature and human society. We harbour no illusions. Only Christ at his second coming will eradicate evil and enthrone righteousness forever. For that day we wait with eagerness. --- From "The Contemporary Christian" (Leicester and Downers Grove: IVP, 1992), p. 390.

In England we have a curious institution called the Church of England. Its strength has always lain in the fact that on any moral or political issue it can produce such a wide divergence of opinion that nobody - from the Pope to Mao Tse-tung - can say with any confidence that he is not an Anglican. Its weaknesses are that nobody pays much attention to it, and very few people attend its functions." --- Auberon Waugh

Dear Brothers and Sisters

"We should not be naive about the slow and steady influence of revisionist teaching and why the seven men who lead some of the largest Anglican churches in the world have decided to stand up and be counted..." With these words Sydney Archbishop Peter Jensen articulated what GAFCON stood for, even as criticism was being heaped on the GAFCON conference from both liberal and conservative wings of the Anglican Communion.

GAFCON might be over, but its lingering and long-term effects and influence have only just begun. It will be the elephant in the sanctuary as 600 bishops gather together in Canterbury this week for the Lambeth Conference.

Representatives of the vast majority of the communion's Anglicans were in Jerusalem recently. While liberals and some conservatives try now to downplay and dismiss GAFCON's presence, it will not be dismissed as a side show. There was no disharmony and no discord. There were 1,200 pilgrims united in their understanding of the Gospel, the implications of the Great Commission and much more.

I have written a number of post-GAFCON stories, including those critical of the Jerusalem Declaration, foremost among them being the Bishop of Durham, The Rt. Rev. N. T. (Tom) Wright. You can read these and other stories in today's digest.

Many who will be attending Lambeth will do so out of loyalty to Dr. Rowan Williams and the fact that it is his show which he, as archbishop, calls once every ten years. It does not follow that all those attending bishops there will be in full accord with Williams' and Presiding Bishop Jefferts Schori's understanding of mission. The CAPA bishops, all of them evangelical, who will attend, will surely vent their feelings and theological anger if, during an Indaba round table discussion, homosexuality is raised. Gene Robinson's long shadow will hang over the discussion.

The design team who framed this gathering has deliberately disallowed votes and resolutions; they don't want a repeat of 1998 and Resolution 1:10, (which hangs like a cloud over this Lambeth) so it will, to all intents and purposes, appear as a gathering of like-minded bishops working from the same script. But one should not count one's chickens before they have hatched. Gene Robinson will be there, (though not officially invited) fully supported by Mrs. Jefferts Schori and most of the TEC bishops. They have all been given cell phones. They can be summoned at a moment's notice to Gene's side to present him as the offended victim of Rowan's "hate crime" for not letting him officially attend. Robinson can then stand up in front of the cameras and whine about his homoerotic lifestyle while holding his June bride's hand. It will be television's moment. The LGBT lobby will be there, well organized, noisy, loud and vocal. They will not rest until their abominable behavior has been recognized by the whole Anglican Communion. Their one and only agenda item is full acceptance of pan-sexuality.

I will be in Canterbury on Tuesday morning and look forward to 20 days of reporting back to you all. The digest will go out weekly, but you can always get a jump- start on the news by going directly to VOL's website: www.virtueonline.org for the latest news flash.


THE big news of the week quickly moved from Jerusalem to York where the Church of England Synod met and voted for the right of women to become bishops in the Church of England. It was a volcanic moment in the life of the C of E. The legislative process will open the way to the consecration of women bishops, possibly as early as 2012. The majorities for this change were substantial in all three houses of bishops, clergy and laity.

While for many this was a cause for rejoicing, for Anglo-Catholics it was their death knell. They have tried repeatedly over the years to secure a Third Province without success. A PEV "flying bishop" arrangement has worked, but now that seems to be seriously in jeopardy.

As the Anglo-Catholic Bishop of London, Richard Chartres observed, "The question remains of how to honour the promises made when women were ordained to the priesthood that those who could not accept the decision of General Synod as one authorised by scripture and tradition would continue to have a secure and honoured place in the life of our church. It is clear from the debate on Monday that there are profound doubts about whether a national code of practice could provide such a "secure and honoured place. I believe that the London Plan has provided a secure framework within which we have not only been able to live together in one church for more than ten years but we have been able in unity."

Now that seems to be in jeopardy. Charters said he was summoning a Sacred Synod for those who wish to consult about how to reaffirm and reinvigorate the London Plan.

Many priests are now considering a flight to Rome with a C of E Bishop ready to lead them. Others will bide their time and look for other avenues.

It will not be all plain sailing. As Ruth Gledhill of the "Times" noted, "First, the bishops and their functionaries must draw up legislation and a draft code of practice that will persuade traditionalists that there is still a place for them in a Church. This must then come back to the synod next February for debate, and then go back to officials who will revise it. Further debates will follow, with revision completed by July 2010. The synod is reelected every five years and it will probably not be until November 2010 that the revised measure and code of practice will be referred to dioceses."

A majority of the 43 diocesan synods would need to approve it before it came back to the General Synod, probably in February 2012. Final drafting could take another 12 months, taking the synod to the final approval stage in February 2013. This will require two-thirds majorities in each house of bishops, clergy and laity. The measure and code would then go to both Houses of Parliament for approval.

After Royal Assent, the measure will be "promulgated" by the synod. If a vacancy occurs, the first woman could be consecrated at Christmas 2014.

What the vote did show, however, was the sheer impotence of Dr. Rowan Williams to stop the roller coaster ride by women priests to get what they want. Appeals by him and the Archbishop of York for compromise with Anglo-Catholics fell on deaf ears. All this begs the question that if Williams cannot control his own Church of England to "patch-over-the-cracks" in the mother church, what chance does he have of healing the deeply divided worldwide Anglican Communion that meets next week! Is Rowan Williams finished? Can he survive now that he seems to have lost control of his own church? Should he resign as Dr. J.I. Packer suggests he should?

Rumors abound, we will know more in time.

I have posted a number of stories on this momentous event with significant commentary, to give you a broad overview of how it was received by the Roman Catholic and Orthodox churches.


ON the domestic front, a liberal parish in the DIOCESE OF PITTSBURGH has asked a court to appoint a monitor to "inventory and oversee property held or administered by the Episcopal Diocese of Pittsburgh." The petition from Calvary Episcopal Church, led by the Rev. Harold Lewis, claims approximately $750,000 of diocesan money has been diverted "for the defense of the anticipated opposition to Bishop Duncan's separatist effort." As an alternative to the monitor, Calvary suggested in the July 7 petition that the court order the diocese to provide the parish's attorney "with access to all financial books and records of the Diocese reflecting all transactions occurring and all assets held or transferred at any time since October 14, 2005."

The attorney for Bishop Duncan and the diocese stated: "It is ironic that Calvary complains about expenditure of legal fees by the diocese since its latest filing will of course compel the diocese to expend legal fees to defeat claims that are legally and factually without merit."


IN the DIOCESE OF OLYMPIA, a woman priest, Ann Holmes Redding who decided she could be both an Episcopal priest and a Muslim at the same time but came up against a brick wall by her bishop Geralyn Wolfe of Rhode Island for saying so, got an extension of her "pastoral direction by the bishop" and was told she had another three months to make up her mind. "The decision for extension was not requested by Dr. Redding, nor does it indicate a change in my understanding of the theological conflicts inherent in professing both traditions," said Wolfe. She said she decided to extend the pastoral direction because she did not think it fair to make a decision of this nature form a distance "without ready access to either Dr. Redding of the standing committee."

A Harlem, New York-based priest in the DIOCESE OF NEW YORK is being investigated by his bishop, Mark S. Sisk, for performing the rite of "blessing" for 300 children as part of an initiation into the Latin King's gang. Fr. Luis Barrios, priest associate at St. Mary's Church, told the Daily News "it is a street organization with the capacity to bring together young people in search of power, collective identity...belonging to a society that's rejecting them." Sisk wrote to his clergy saying, that if the facts are as reported, "this is extremely distressing and completely contrary to the long-held stance of this church....it is damaging to our common life."


A week ago, the DIOCESE OF CALIFORNIA took out a full- page newspaper ad celebrating the California Supreme Court ruling on gay marriage, promising pre-marital counseling and blessings for all. Here is a full PDF of the ad: http://www.diocal.org/images/files/docs/diobytes_temp/diocal_marriagead.pdf

When VOL inquired how much these ads cost, we were told that the published ad rates are $13,000 for a one-time ad, and that there are additional charges for color. It is safe to say that the diocese shelled out "more than $10,000". One wonders how this is consistent with the Windsor Report? Now both these bishops are using this ruling to bypass the Constitution and Canons of the General Convention and secure homosexual marriage within the church. LA Bishop Jon Bruno is a member of Executive Council., Marc Andrus Bishop of California is not. Title 1, Canon 18, Section 2(b) sates that "Holy Matrimony is a physical and spiritual union of one man and woman. Do you think these revisionist bishops care? Of course not. Bruno has never disciplined any priest who has violated that canon. Andrus has advised clergy to remove their clerical collars while they perform a civil marriage, and then put it back on to bless the relationship and celebrate Holy Communion. Does one think that these political allies of Jefferts Schori will be brought up on charges for violating the canons? Not a chance. These bishops deem such actions as "prophetic" whereas what Bishop John-David Schofield is doing to protect the faith is deemed "schismatic". It all depends on whose ox is being gored.


The latest figures show that pro-homosexual denominations are losing members. According to a report by J. Grank Swank Jr., The Episcopal Church has been at the forefront of baptizing active homosexual lifestyle as God-blessed. Since 1960, it has decreased in membership by 48%. The United Methodist Church has been roiled by those adamant on establishing homosexual lifestyles as Christian legitimate. In the fight for one side or another, that denomination has decreased in membership by 25%. The Presbyterian Church (USA) has likewise been embroiled in the tussle. That denomination has decreased in membership by 44%. The Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) has also been riddled with in-house fighting over homosexual lifestyles as anti-God or pro-God. That denomination's membership has decreased 74%. The Evangelical Lutheran Church of America has permitted the fight to be more open with some in administration arguing homosexual lifestyles as okay with God. That denomination's membership has decreased by 31%. The United Church of Christ (Congregational) has defended aggressively homosexual activity as totally legitimate in the definition of "Christian." In the last 40 years, that denomination has lost 40% of its original membership.

By contrast, denominations preaching the Bible as divine revelation, openly stating their love for homosexuals, but their disdain for homosexual activity, have grown in membership and church attendance. The Southern Baptist Convention has increased in membership by 76% according to the National Council of Churches statistics for 2007.

***** The CHURCH OF ENGLAND is desperate. While its membership continues to decline, a proposal to assist the opening up of hundreds of parish churches to tourists has been approved by the General Synod which met at York University. Members backed calls for the creation of a tourism group in each of the 44 dioceses to boost interest in church buildings. The meeting was also due to debate whether fees charged for weddings and funerals should be raised.


ON the plus side, The Anglican District of Virginia (ADV) is continuing its commitment to mission and ministry as its parishes travel around the globe this summer to spread the message of Christ by assisting and educating those in need. Most of ADV's 21 parishes are sending their clergy, vestry members, and parishioners on trips, both domestic and abroad. According to ADV Vice Chairman Jim Oakes, "ADV churches will continue to flourish spiritually with each mission trip they take - whether their mission brings them to remote areas in the world or to U.S. communities in need. Most importantly, it is clear that communities around the globe are benefitting from our commitment to ministry, aid, and support through Christ."

Among several destinations for ADV mission trips this summer are: the Ukraine, to spread the Good News of Christ and to distribute 400 wheelchairs to those who need them; and Kenya, in order to serve alongside and encourage farmers through Planting Faith Ministries and the Anglican Church of Kenya. Other mission trips include Rwanda, Uganda, United Kingdom, South Africa, and the Dominican Republic, where ADV members will minister to Christian leaders and their local communities t hat are in physical and spiritual distress. In addition to overseas missions, ADV churches are traveling to a number of afflicted communities within the U.S. Several of ADV's youth will travel on mission to West Virginia and South Dakota this summer to serve the underprivileged, the elderly, and the handicapped. Other members of ADV continue their commitment to New Orleans as part of New Orleans Agape Hope (NOAH), which offers ongoing recovery assistance, both spiritually and physically, to the areas devastated by Hurricane Katrina.


England, Scotland and Wales will host bishops on the road to Lambeth. Before the bishops arrive in Canterbury for the 2008 Lambeth Conference, hundreds of them will enjoy a taste of another part of Britain.

Through the "Hospitality Initiative," every bishop and spouse invited to the Lambeth Conference has also been invited to be the guest of an Anglican diocese in England, Wales, or Scotland. The response has been enormous, with hundreds accepting the invitation. They will spend five days in one of 57 dioceses stretching from Truro in the south to Moray, Ross and Caithness in the north and St David's in the east.

Through the initiative, the visiting bishops will have a chance to experience firsthand how the church lives out its mission in another part of the worldwide Anglican Communion. It will also provide a unique opportunity for those in the host dioceses to encounter church leaders from another part of global Anglican family.

"Those of us involved in planning the programme are excited about the opportunity to hear from God as we share stories of our participation in God's mission in some very different settings," says Fr Rodel. "It will be a time for learning and growth for all of us in our engagement with God."

The Bishop of Edinburgh, whose diocese will be hosting a half-dozen bishops with their spouses, agrees. "It is important that we recognise the international dimension of our church life and to bring it powerfully into the life of the Diocese of Edinburgh," says the Right Revd Brian Smith. In Wales, the Diocese of St Asaph will host bishops from as far away as India and Brazil. The diocesan web site says, "our contribution in this way will be important to the whole Lambeth process."


For those interested in the recent ruling in the Virginia lawsuits, copies of Judge Bellows' opinions in the Episcopal Church case are on the Circuit Court's website at the following link: http://www.fairfaxcounty.gov/courts/circuit/ Also, a copy of his opinion on the constitutional issues is attached.


"Living Together: Myths, Risks & Answers," a new book by Mike McManus (Author), Harriett McManus (Author), Chuck Colson (Foreword) cofounders of Marriage Savers "take on and dismantle many of the current popular beliefs surrounding the idea that co-habitation is "no big deal". Using large amounts of study data, in addition to their own experiences in working with engaged couples, the authors demonstrate convincingly that no single choice is more destructive to the long-term prospects of establishing a lasting relationship. Mike and Harriet have decades of experience in working to strengthen marriage. They have tirelessly traveled to hundreds of communities to establish Community Marriage Policies, in which clergy have pledged to offer more thorough marriage preparation. This has actually reduced divorce rates by an average of 17.5% and cohabitation rates by one-third! In my city of Evansville, IN more than 100 churches adopted reforms that resulted in the divorce rate down by 20% and marriage rate risen by 16%.

"Our culture today has accepted cohabitation to the detriment of society. Couples who live together before marriage are at a very high risk of divorce. This book will give you the facts and figures. Mike and Harriet cite research to back up their statements. This is a great book to give to those who are cohabiting. It will open their eyes to the reality of their situation. Many women believe that living together will lead to marriage but according to this book, men usually choose to live with a woman for convenience. There are interesting stories woven throughout the book to keep your interest." For more information and to purchase the book, go to www.marriagesavers.org.


The Prayer Book Society will have a website for Lambeth. It can be accessed here: www.PrayerBookAtLambeth.org.

The three prayer book societies are ENGLAND, USA and CANADA. You can also contact Dr. Peter Toon at www.pbsusa.org.


Today's digest contains some of the finest commentary and news analysis from across the Anglican Globe. I hope you will take the time to read through these pieces and catch a glimpse of how our Anglican Communion is really working.

The next time I write to you all, it will be from Canterbury, England, at the Lambeth Conference.. It has been a hectic summer to say the least. I value your prayers and support, as you are able to give them. If you can make a tax- deductible donation to help defray the costs of travel, accommodation, high speed Internet and more, I would be most grateful. You can do so by making a donation using PAYPAL at www.virtueonline.org. If you would prefer to send a snail mail check, you can do so by sending it to:

1236 Waterford Rd.,
West Chester, PA 19380

Thank you for your support

All blessings,


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