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Church of England
November 10 2017 By dvirtue Leading Evangelical resigns from General Synod over 'heretical teaching'

In her resignation letter she blamed, "an ongoing and rapid erosion of faithfulness" and "an agenda of revisionism which "is masked in the language of so-called 'good disagreement,'" for her decision.

Lorna Ashworth is not alone in her concerns and she said that many were calling on the bishops of the Church of England to offer clear and courageous biblical leadership.

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November 10 2017 By dvirtue UK: Chaplains coordinate to hold 'radically inclusive' services

Trinity College chapel will host a Compline+ service on 1 November, followed by another King's service on 9 November. St John's Open Table service on 16 November will conclude the series.

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November 09 2017 By dvirtue UK: 'Stop Referring to God as 'He'!' Insists First Female Bishop in Lords

Speaking over the weekend, the Bishop used her platform to raise the subject of God's gender, saying: "In the creation narratives, we're told that God created human beings in God's likeness, and then it goes on to talk about male and female. If I am made in the image of God, then God is not to be seen as male. God is God."

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October 31 2017 By dvirtue Lessons from Lenin for the Church of England on its attendance statistics: Part 1 of 2

And there's good biblical authority for understanding what's actually happening - Matthew 16 "The Pharisees and Sadducees came to Jesus and tested him by asking him to show them a sign from heaven. He replied, "When evening comes, you say, 'It will be fair weather, for the sky is red,' and in the morning, 'Today it will be stormy, for the sky is red and overcast.' You know how to interpret the appearance of the sky, but you cannot interpret the signs of the times.

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October 31 2017 By dvirtue 'Judgement and the Church of England'

Jesus said, "If a house is divided against itself, that house cannot stand." (Mk 3.25).

There are at least two ways of doing theology; one primarily as a rational and intellectual act, and one by discernment of the Spirit.

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October 31 2017 By dvirtue Too few children in too many pews, latest C of E mission statistics warn

In the smallest 25 per cent of churches, the average weekly attendance by children -- at church services or Fresh Expressions on Sundays or weekdays -- was zero. In the largest 25 per cent it rose to 11; and in the largest five per cent it was 35. The median is just three.

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October 27 2017 By dvirtue Hatred, like beauty maybe in the eye of the beholder; cowardice, complicity and the Church of England

The latest seed bed of hate-filled extremism has been lurking undiscovered for the last 16 years in a Primary School, in Tunbridge Wells.

With psychological and social consequences that surely defy imagination, a generation of children have been infected by 'hate' at the hands of an extremist organisation masquerading as a Christian charity.

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October 27 2017 By dvirtue Abortion at 50: Hundreds of Christians flood Westminster to mourn #8MillionTooMany

It came as Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn joined more than 100 other MPs calling on the Home Secretary to ban pro-life vigils outside abortion clinics.

A letter, signed by 113 MPs including Corbyn and Vince Cable, the leader of the Liberal Democrats, was sent to coincide with the anniversary that first permitted abortions in Britain.

It comes after Ealing council in West London voted to ban a vigil outside a local clinic in the borough.

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October 23 2017 By dvirtue "I need a friendly bishop," said the child abuse survivor, as the prelate passed by on the other side

Plainly he knows the acoustics of the Cathedral well and used them to good effect, repeatedly returning to the same refrain at points in the story and demanding of his listeners: "Who will help? You? You? You?", leaving the words to echo around and find their mark.

The church took the lesson to heart and has enthusiastically raised the question with the government when discussing refugees, foodbanks and the implementation of Universal Credit.

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October 19 2017 By dvirtue ENGLAND: Rid Church schools of Christianity: Parents' campaign extends to removing crosses, Bibles and clergy

Headteacher Dan Turvey also criticised the parents' 'campaign' to ban CrossTeach, and appeared reluctant when he said he would ban the group.

But the orchestrated campaign goes further and demands the removal of crosses, Bibles and even the banning of Church of England clergy from Church of England school assemblies, according to local clergy in Tunbridge Wells.

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