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Church of England
February 13 2014 By virtueonline Church of England Synod Report: Highlights and Extracts

The Bishops have admitted profound disagreement among themselves and in church and society at large on the subject of homosexual practice, and while they appeared to rule out support for gay marriage, they could only commit to a moratorium on blessing of same sex couples during the period of "conversation".

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February 05 2014 By virtueonline UK: Bishop of Bradford named as first Bishop of new super diocese

The Bishop, who will be 57 this year, and his wife Linda were also looking at their new home in Leeds today. Mrs Baines said she thought they would be leaving Bishopscroft, in Heaton, in April and moving across to Leeds in May.

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January 30 2014 By virtueonline South Sudanese Church 'an example to us all', says Archbishop Welby

Archbishop Justin, accompanied by his wife, Caroline, today starts a five-day visit to South Sudan, Burundi, Rwanda and the Democratic Republic of Congo to meet with fellow Primates of the Anglican Communion.

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January 30 2014 By virtueonline Archbishops recall commitment to pastoral care, friendship for all

The text of the joint letter is as follows:

"Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ

In recent days, questions have been asked about the Church of England's attitude to new legislation in several countries that penalises people with same-sex attraction. In answer to these questions, we have recalled the common mind of the Primates of the Anglican Communion, as expressed in the Dromantine Communiqué of 2005.

The Communiqué said:

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January 27 2014 By virtueonline Work of ARCIC irrelevant to most Christians, says Lord Carey

The former Archbishop of Canterbury said 45 years of attempts to bring about visible unity by bridging theological differences had "run into the sand". "I don't know what is going on," he said. "If you take the latest ARCIC document, I think it is so irrelevant to the ordinary Christian - Catholic, Anglican or Methodist - that it might as well be talking on the moon."

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January 21 2014 By virtueonline The Church of England Funded Pension Scheme valuation

Mr. Ralfe says that the clergy pension scheme's discount rate was increased by 0.5% without an explanation. The pensions board made the assumptions for the valuation based on their assessment of the strength of the responsible bodies' financial covenant, the fall in yields on fixed interest gilts, market expectations for future RPI inflation and up to date mortality expectations.

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January 01 2014 By virtueonline Archbishop of Canterbury: a 'good vicar' is key to tackling falling numbers

The Archbishop said he was "extremely hopeful" about the future of the Church of England, and said many local congregations were increasing in numbers.

However, he admitted: "We are falling in numbers and there is a change in the attitude to the Christian faith generally across the country. That is unquestionable. We need to be quite realistic about that."

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December 24 2013 By virtueonline Labour: We must 'do God' to fight anti-Christian persecution

In a thinly-veiled attack on the Tony Blair era, when Alastair Campbell, the then communications director in Downing Street, said "we don't do God", Mr Alexander warned that people should have the courage to speak up for Christians without fear of causing offence.

Mr Alexander, the shadow foreign secretary, spoke out to voice his concerns about growing harassment and attacks suffered by Christians in the Middle East.

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December 23 2013 By virtueonline Vicars defrocked. Fears of jeans and hoodies in pulpit

The proposals, drawn up by a London vicar, the Rev Christopher Hobbs, have already garnered the support of about a quarter of the Synod, who will debate the issue in February.

But conservatives warn that changes would dilute the identity and authority of the Church.

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December 12 2013 By virtueonline Majority of Britons believe state and church should be separate

The poll, conducted for Prospect magazine asked "Should the Church of England and state continue to be connected?"

In 1957, 37% said it should separate with 37% saying should stay connected (26% didn't know). In 2013, 51% said church and state should separate with 27% saying it should remain connected (23% didn't know).

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